March 2023

When I was a kid, my family would load up the car each summer and take a road trip. Living in Missouri, we might vacation far west to California, southeast to Florida, or maybe just over to the Missouri Ozarks. Regardless, it took a lot of planning to fit all six of us plus our little chihuahua, Sniffles, our luggage, and the necessary summer adventure gear. It was a BIG deal. The anticipation was huge.  We could not wait to get started. Yet, once the trip began, we quickly grew bored and cranky. The endless car hours were grueling.  To pass the time, we would play games. One of my favorites was a version of “I Spy” - finding yellow (or green or pink or…) cars and keeping score to see who could find the most. Was it coincidental that when we turned our attention to yellow cars, there seemed to be so many more? Maybe. Or maybe we just were paying attention. 

A few weeks ago, I came across Tom’s notes on Psalm 23. The papers were all jumbled, and it took me a bit of time to realize they were Tom’s lesson from six or seven years ago. A few days later a dear friend called to encourage me with a note he found in his bible from Tom’s Psalm 23 lesson. The next week, I met with a young gal from my office, and she mentioned her home group was reflecting on Psalm 23. And then, as I was volunteering, a sweet woman shared that she has the Psalm 23 card (pictured above) from Tom’s lesson hanging in her kitchen.

The world might say this is just like yellow cars – totally coincidental. According to the New Oxford American dictionary, it is synchronicity – the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.

 I say it is God. 

 I love when God puts things on my heart. He gently and lovingly guides me to pay attention to something I would have otherwise missed.  And so, this month, I am sharing Tom’s lesson “Pray to the God Who is Your Shepherd (Psalm 23)”

Pretty quickly into the lesson, Tom states something obvious and really important. Tom says BECAUSE God is our Shephard, we have all the things – relationship, supply, rest, refreshment, guidance, purpose, testing, protection, faithfulness, discipline, hope, consecration, abundance, blessing, security, and eternity so eloquently written in Psalm 23. Amazing, right?!

Because God is our Shephard, we don’t need to worry about our next meal, whether the stock market is up or down, who will win the next election, or what will happen in a week, a year, or a decade.  Sure, thinking forward is prudent and necessary – just like packing for a trip. Whereas worrying, fretting, and being fearful are indications that we are not trusting or believing in God’s promises. God has us. 

He is our Shepherd. He is faithful. He cares deeply and perfectly for us, providing all we need. 

And here’s the crazy thing. When you rest in God’s provision, peace, and comfort, you begin to see a whole bunch more “God things” in your life and all around you.

Is it synchronicity? Coincidence?

Nope. It is God. 

He is our Shepherd. 

Sharon Coleman