June 2023

Dear friends,

This past weekend, we celebrated the men and women of the US forces who gave their lives for our county. Thank you. Thank you as well to all of you reading this who have served in the military. Your years of dedication and selfless acts of service are an inspiration. Thank you. 

Yet, I seem to find myself in an alternate reality. This same past weekend, I came across a news article on sologamy. Have you heard of it? I hadn’t. But now I have, and I am at a loss for words. Sologamy is the act of marrying oneself. It is a celebrated act of self-love; a commitment to honor and obey. . . yourself. Yep. It is a thing. Young people today are walking down the aisle ALONE, vowing to love themselves, and publicly affirming the desire to put themselves above every other person, place, or thing.  

Maybe I am way off base, but it seems to me that humankind, since the Fall, has always done a pretty good job of loving ourselves. Tom used to say that we didn’t need to be taught to be selfish or sinful – just go into any preschool classroom and, after about a nanosecond, you’ll hear some sweet child yell “MINE!!” 

God created us for love. Yet, as Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, their love for God became distorted. They began to put themselves above God, sinfully loving self more than loving God.    

In Matthew 22, Jesus is asked; “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matt 22:36-39)

If we love God with all our heart and mind, we will, through the Holy Spirit, love those around us – even those who aren’t particularly lovable. Whereas if we decide to love only ourselves, no one can measure up to our crazy, ever changing, and self-seeking love. Plain and simple, this love of self is narcissism at its fullest.    

And then there is Jesus. His love is the ultimate love. Jesus came off His throne. He was born a tiny baby. He lived a sinless life. The whole point of Jesus’ life and death is love. His love for us, you and me, depraved sinners seeking our own, is why He came. Jesus came to die for us. He came to take our sins away. He lived on this earth and died to give us eternal life with Him. Jesus did what we could not do for ourselves. He showed us a sinless, sacrificial life.

Jesus shows us love. 

Years ago, Tom did a Priority Living lesson series,
John: The Essence of Life, which is a flyover of the book of John. In Tom’s fifth lesson, “What It Takes To See Jesus” https://www.prioritylivingaz.org/audio-archives/2009/2/5/what-it-takes-to-see-jesus, the focus is on John 9, as Jesus heals the blind man. In this lesson, Tom elaborates on how we, in our small and simple lives, have the opportunity to reflect Jesus’ love to those around us. Because of Jesus and His love for us, we “get” to show the world how to live, not for ourselves, but for Him.

Crazy – right?!?

Countercultural – yep!!

Imagine living selflessly, looking for ways to help, to love, and to serve others . . . for His glory. 

Let’s take our transformed heart, informed mind, and radical lives and be a showcase for God.

Let’s show the world how Jesus loves. Truly and completely.     

Sharon Coleman