September 2023

I have a new friend. He is an early riser like me. A few months ago, as I was on my way to the kitchen for my first cup of morning joe, Eddie was looking in my back window. Eddie is not a stalker; he is an owlet. When I first saw Eddie, he was covered in downy feathers. These days he is much more owl-like with beautiful markings, expansive wings, and big eyes that look directly at me.

Eddie is not my first owl.  His dad has been roosting in my tree for at least eight or nine years. Whenever I see Eddie or his dad, I sit down and visit, chat a bit, and then go on my way. They tolerate me by showing off with lots of eye blinking, a couple of full head turns, and occasionally, a hoot or two.   

My owls and I have a lot more in common than just waking up early.  Like me, Eddie and his dad lead very quiet lives; hanging out, enjoying the breeze, and whittling the day away. 

My owl friends are good neighbors too. They share their tree harmoniously with hummingbirds, sparrows, and jays. But, when the noisy, mean birds come around, Eddie and his dad fly away. They don’t like to be around gossipers!   

In a letter to the Thessalonians, Paul writes, “And to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”  1 Thessalonians 4:11- 12.

Although we are not perfect, I think my owls and I are doing a pretty good job at this. 

In 2011, Tom did a great lesson on 1 Thessalonians 4. I don’t want to steal Tom’s thunder, so be sure to click into this video and watch Tom teach and practically apply this scripture passage to our everyday lives:

1 Thessalonians 4

This month, as you reflect on Tom’s message and our overly busy, loud, and supercharged lives, I hope you’ll take a little bit of extra time to rest in God’s mercy and provisions.  There is no doubt we are living in troubling times. Yet, when we remember God, knowing He sent His son, Jesus, to this broken world, as the propitiation for our sins, we can lead quiet lives, letting go of angst, worry, and fear.  Furthermore, we can love and care for those around us, whether they know Christ or not, sharing God’s truth and lifting them up in prayer. 

Because of Him, we can rest. Because of Him, we have hope. Because of Him, we know our time on earth is temporary and our eternity with Him is secure. 

Let’s confidently reflect His peace, day in and day out, to the world around us.      
PS. January 13, 2024, will mark Tom’s five-year anniversary of being with Jesus. Speaking for Sharon, the Priority Living Board, and myself, we have been honored to share Tom’s teachings with you since his passing. As we prayerfully consider next steps for this ministry, we’d love to hear from you by way of  thoughts, prayers, and/or support. Please take a minute or two to respond to this email, drop us a note online, or send a gift in support of Priority Living of AZ at

And most importantly, please keep listening and sharing Tom and his unique way of teaching God’s word.  We are so thankful for you!   

Sharon Coleman